Have you ever heard someone say they are spiritual but not religious? This is a common answer for people who do not follow a certain religion, but who believe in a higher power. What is the difference between religion and spirituality? This question is a difficult one to approach, and the answer will greatly depend on who you ask, but in simplistic terms: religion is a "pathway to God" and spirituality is a broader term, encompassing religion, essentially saying there's a connection between humanity and something "larger."
There are many religions practiced all over the world, and many followers will argue that their religion is the one to follow and believe in. Commonly practiced religions include: Paganism, Christianity, Buddhism, Judaism, Hinduism, Muslim, Confucianism, Daois, Asatru, Atheist and Agnostic, Pantheist, New Age and the list goes on. Each religion comes with their own set of beliefs about who "God" is (or whether He even exists in the first place) and how to live life through Him, to achieve the best possible afterlife. Each religion has its own set of beliefs regarding what happens to those who do not practice as they should, and their own interpretations of their Holy books, such as the Bible, or the Koran. Regardless of what religion you claim to be, you have your own thoughts and feelings about its core values, and you are in control of how well you live by them. No one person can say a particular religion is better than another for any fact. When you choose a religion to follow, you choose the one you best identify with, and can believe in the most.
Those who are spiritual do not necessarily go without religion, but those who do not identify with a particular religion can still consider themselves as "spiritual." Those who believe human existence to be a fraction of the overall equation, that is, those who believe humanity to be a part of something larger, are spiritual. They may not have the answers as to what that larger something is, and they may not know how to describe it, but they do not believe we are here as the sole creation. It isn't necessarily "God" they believe in, but they don't discount the existence of a higher power. Religion gives people who follow them a specific set of beliefs to help them fine tune their spirituality, while those who do not follow a religion are more open to interpretation of their own beliefs, based on what they know and experience in their day-to-day lives.
Regardless of what religion you may or may not follow, spirituality is a broader term that encompasses all of it. Though you may never follow any religion, or you may choose to change your religion, all of it falls under being spiritual. Only you can decide what it means to be "religious" or what it means to be "spiritual."
Selasa, 31 Oktober 2017
Selasa, 17 Oktober 2017
How Can Such A Thing Be True That Spiritual Leaders Would Attempt And Dare To Bypass The Cross?
When Vern Kuenzi wrote about men seeking to bypass the Cross of Jesus Christ I could hardly believe that this was happening. Our Professor of New Testament in Edinburgh University encouraged us strongly never to preach without mentioned the central truth of the Cross of Jesus Christ and for that word in 1965 I give thanks.
The Lord has spoken three times over the last six years about the absence of the cross in the current vision and affairs of the church. These are among the strongest and clearest words the Lord has ever spoken to me. At the time of each of these speakings, the Lord put me into a desolate place so that I would get the point and there would be no confusion that He was speaking and about what He was saying.
The first time was in late 1996, at a major men's evangelistic meeting here in Honolulu. At that meeting were the best of speakers, the best of musicians, an upbeat evangelistic message, and an altar call to accept Jesus as Savior. I tried to fit in with the flow of the meeting and went down onto the arena floor to hopefully distribute my quota of pledge cards, but I was ineffective and became very grieved in spirit and walked back up to my seat and sat slumped there until the meeting was over. I thought the problem was with me. I didn't even want to attend the next day's meeting, and as I lay in bed the next morning stripped of all enthusiasm, I was very surprised when the Lord clearly spoke through David Wilkerson's latest newsletter and said, "They have done away with the cross." Obviously the very best that we can come up with in terms of evangelistic efforts amounts to nothing if we do away with cross. It might look good and sound good but still be wood, hay, and stubble. The cross is the wisdom and power of God, and without it the captives remain bound.
About two years ago, I attended a charismatic home meeting near my house here in Pearl City. A known minister was invited and signs and wonders and prophetic utterances seemed to flow. Saints were slain in the Spirit and some claimed healings. The next morning when I woke up it was as if the Lord had pulled a plug and drained every bit of spiritual life from me. All I could think of was, "I'm not gonna make it." I have never been so empty in myl ife. But there was a small "Free Grace Broadcaster" pamphlet beside me on the bed which I picked up and began to read. The article that presented itself was titled, "The Glory of the Cross." And as I began to read that short article, I could feel the life flowing back into me. The Lord spoke clearly through that article by saying, "God forbid that you should glory in anything but in the cross of Jesus Christ." Apparently I had been glorying in many things that night other than in the cross.
Most recently (in mid-2002, about August) I was reviewing several books written by popular authors who embrace and oversee a current apostolic/prophetic movement. The common vision of those authors is that the church is called to overhaul the political, economic, financial, and educational systems of this nation before Jesus returns. I felt so out of step with this vision that I became unsettled for several days and wondered again what was wrong with me. I tried to buy one of the books at the Christian bookstore where I was browsing it, but the cash register was malfunctioning and I went home without the book feeling a check in my spirit. The next day I went back to the bookstore and I picked up that book again and began to reread portions of it. I asked the Lord to show me where I was in error, and I also asked Him to keep me from being deceived. Suddenly the Lord seemed to say, "Where is the centrality of the cross in this vision?"
Three times the Lord has spoken severely about things that seemed like "good" things, and in all three cases, the problem that He identified was the absence of the cross. In all three cases, the pain of the experience was very real. I now believe it was pain associated with a birthing.
As "good" as it might seem to overhaul the economic, judicial, financial, and educational systems before Jesus returns, that is not the finish line that the Bible describes. We see a remnant of saints who overcome satan by the blood of the Lamb, the word of their testimony, and by loving not their lives unto death. The book of Daniel concludes by saying the end of the age will come when the power of the holy people has been shattered. We see a snapshot of this in the lives of the two witnesses of Revelation 11.
Together the books of Daniel and Revelation establish the true vision for the church at the end of this age, and that vision is not victory in a worldly sense, but victory through demonstration of the wisdom and power of the cross. The true remnant church is destined to follow Jesus and walk the path of the suffering servant. God's eternal purpose is to involve His saints in the defeat of the devil, and that defeat will be accomplished only as the church walks in demonstration of the wisdom and power of the cross.
We're setting ourselves up for the same mistake that the nation of Israel made 2000 years ago when they expected a political messiah. Jesus did not come to overhaul Rome, and the remnant church is not destined to overhaul Babylon, but to come out of her. Her testimony in the midst of Babylon is what will set the captives free.
The danger of having our vision slightly off-target could cause us to align with the wrong side. The antichrist is not going to come in a red suit with horns. He is going to come as a deceiver and a
counterfeit. The nature of the counterfeit is to be as much like the real thing as possible, but still not be the real thing. He's going to come with an agenda of "good" things, but they will be things that have done away with the cross.
The agenda of the devil is very simple. If he can get us to skew our vision just a little bit off center by doing away with the centrality of the cross, he will have won the victory. We will not
then be in position to demonstrate the wisdom and power of the cross through our lives. We will be fighting against the cross rather than embracing it.
The great dividing issue at the end of this age will be the issue of the cross of Jesus Christ. Those who embrace it as the Holy Spirit leads them will overcome. Those who do not, and rely on the understanding and abilities of natural man, will fall away. If our sin and our shortcomings do not bring us to the place of total realization that not one good thing resides in us in the flesh, then
we have missed what it is that the Lord wants to work in us. Paul came to the place where he realized that he was the chief of sinners, and that no good thing was in him, and that he could glory in nothing but in the cross of Jesus Christ. His words were not spoken in wisdom, but in meekness, fear, and trembling, and he recognized that only by the grace and mercy of God and by the power of the Holy Spirit could he ever offer anything of significance to a dying world around him.
The things that are coming upon the earth in these days are designed to purify the church, and are likened to birth pains. It is out of great tribulation that a great multitude emerges who have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb. We must understand that this process is an outworking of God's love, not His wrath. His wrath will follow great tribulation, and will be directed only toward those who choose not to repent.
I once heard a man preaching on TV and saying, "God would never do that to His bride." (He was referring to the question of her going through the great tribulation) He did not understand the work of the cross in the perfecting of the saints. His doctrine had done away with the cross.
Saints, let's not make that mistake. Let's embrace the cross rather than doing away with it. Let us constantly abide in the embrace of the Father's fervent love so that our love does not grow cold. We love Him because He first loved us, and we continue to love Him and others as we continue to live in His love. The overcomers will be lovers. And may all glory be the Lord's!
Having read the above piece which I have permission to use I am so glad that our New Testament Professor at Edinburgh University said - "Gentlemen, never preach the Word of God without reminding the people of the importance and centrality of the Cross of Jesus Christ."
The Lord has spoken three times over the last six years about the absence of the cross in the current vision and affairs of the church. These are among the strongest and clearest words the Lord has ever spoken to me. At the time of each of these speakings, the Lord put me into a desolate place so that I would get the point and there would be no confusion that He was speaking and about what He was saying.
The first time was in late 1996, at a major men's evangelistic meeting here in Honolulu. At that meeting were the best of speakers, the best of musicians, an upbeat evangelistic message, and an altar call to accept Jesus as Savior. I tried to fit in with the flow of the meeting and went down onto the arena floor to hopefully distribute my quota of pledge cards, but I was ineffective and became very grieved in spirit and walked back up to my seat and sat slumped there until the meeting was over. I thought the problem was with me. I didn't even want to attend the next day's meeting, and as I lay in bed the next morning stripped of all enthusiasm, I was very surprised when the Lord clearly spoke through David Wilkerson's latest newsletter and said, "They have done away with the cross." Obviously the very best that we can come up with in terms of evangelistic efforts amounts to nothing if we do away with cross. It might look good and sound good but still be wood, hay, and stubble. The cross is the wisdom and power of God, and without it the captives remain bound.
About two years ago, I attended a charismatic home meeting near my house here in Pearl City. A known minister was invited and signs and wonders and prophetic utterances seemed to flow. Saints were slain in the Spirit and some claimed healings. The next morning when I woke up it was as if the Lord had pulled a plug and drained every bit of spiritual life from me. All I could think of was, "I'm not gonna make it." I have never been so empty in myl ife. But there was a small "Free Grace Broadcaster" pamphlet beside me on the bed which I picked up and began to read. The article that presented itself was titled, "The Glory of the Cross." And as I began to read that short article, I could feel the life flowing back into me. The Lord spoke clearly through that article by saying, "God forbid that you should glory in anything but in the cross of Jesus Christ." Apparently I had been glorying in many things that night other than in the cross.
Most recently (in mid-2002, about August) I was reviewing several books written by popular authors who embrace and oversee a current apostolic/prophetic movement. The common vision of those authors is that the church is called to overhaul the political, economic, financial, and educational systems of this nation before Jesus returns. I felt so out of step with this vision that I became unsettled for several days and wondered again what was wrong with me. I tried to buy one of the books at the Christian bookstore where I was browsing it, but the cash register was malfunctioning and I went home without the book feeling a check in my spirit. The next day I went back to the bookstore and I picked up that book again and began to reread portions of it. I asked the Lord to show me where I was in error, and I also asked Him to keep me from being deceived. Suddenly the Lord seemed to say, "Where is the centrality of the cross in this vision?"
Three times the Lord has spoken severely about things that seemed like "good" things, and in all three cases, the problem that He identified was the absence of the cross. In all three cases, the pain of the experience was very real. I now believe it was pain associated with a birthing.
As "good" as it might seem to overhaul the economic, judicial, financial, and educational systems before Jesus returns, that is not the finish line that the Bible describes. We see a remnant of saints who overcome satan by the blood of the Lamb, the word of their testimony, and by loving not their lives unto death. The book of Daniel concludes by saying the end of the age will come when the power of the holy people has been shattered. We see a snapshot of this in the lives of the two witnesses of Revelation 11.
Together the books of Daniel and Revelation establish the true vision for the church at the end of this age, and that vision is not victory in a worldly sense, but victory through demonstration of the wisdom and power of the cross. The true remnant church is destined to follow Jesus and walk the path of the suffering servant. God's eternal purpose is to involve His saints in the defeat of the devil, and that defeat will be accomplished only as the church walks in demonstration of the wisdom and power of the cross.
We're setting ourselves up for the same mistake that the nation of Israel made 2000 years ago when they expected a political messiah. Jesus did not come to overhaul Rome, and the remnant church is not destined to overhaul Babylon, but to come out of her. Her testimony in the midst of Babylon is what will set the captives free.
The danger of having our vision slightly off-target could cause us to align with the wrong side. The antichrist is not going to come in a red suit with horns. He is going to come as a deceiver and a
counterfeit. The nature of the counterfeit is to be as much like the real thing as possible, but still not be the real thing. He's going to come with an agenda of "good" things, but they will be things that have done away with the cross.
The agenda of the devil is very simple. If he can get us to skew our vision just a little bit off center by doing away with the centrality of the cross, he will have won the victory. We will not
then be in position to demonstrate the wisdom and power of the cross through our lives. We will be fighting against the cross rather than embracing it.
The great dividing issue at the end of this age will be the issue of the cross of Jesus Christ. Those who embrace it as the Holy Spirit leads them will overcome. Those who do not, and rely on the understanding and abilities of natural man, will fall away. If our sin and our shortcomings do not bring us to the place of total realization that not one good thing resides in us in the flesh, then
we have missed what it is that the Lord wants to work in us. Paul came to the place where he realized that he was the chief of sinners, and that no good thing was in him, and that he could glory in nothing but in the cross of Jesus Christ. His words were not spoken in wisdom, but in meekness, fear, and trembling, and he recognized that only by the grace and mercy of God and by the power of the Holy Spirit could he ever offer anything of significance to a dying world around him.
The things that are coming upon the earth in these days are designed to purify the church, and are likened to birth pains. It is out of great tribulation that a great multitude emerges who have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb. We must understand that this process is an outworking of God's love, not His wrath. His wrath will follow great tribulation, and will be directed only toward those who choose not to repent.
I once heard a man preaching on TV and saying, "God would never do that to His bride." (He was referring to the question of her going through the great tribulation) He did not understand the work of the cross in the perfecting of the saints. His doctrine had done away with the cross.
Saints, let's not make that mistake. Let's embrace the cross rather than doing away with it. Let us constantly abide in the embrace of the Father's fervent love so that our love does not grow cold. We love Him because He first loved us, and we continue to love Him and others as we continue to live in His love. The overcomers will be lovers. And may all glory be the Lord's!
Having read the above piece which I have permission to use I am so glad that our New Testament Professor at Edinburgh University said - "Gentlemen, never preach the Word of God without reminding the people of the importance and centrality of the Cross of Jesus Christ."
Minggu, 24 September 2017
The Discipline of Reading and Studying the Bible Every Day Will Reap an Amazing Spiritual Harvest!
Bad emotional experiences can be the fruit and harvest of bad seed we may have sown, or bad and negative seed which other people may have sown in our lives.
What type of soil are you? How do you react to people criticising you and judging you and commenting upon your work in a negative manner? Words can affect and influence us more than we are sometime prepared to admit!
When Jesus Christ spoke and taught about sowing seed and reaping a harvest, He made it very clear that there were different types of soil.
Some seed fell on good soil and when it bore fruit the crop could be thirty, sixty or even a hundred times what was sown.
Consider that for a moment in terms of gossip, criticism and backbiting, because what we sow has a habit of producing fruit, and that can be sore, hurtful and painful.
The writer of Psalm 32 went through a seriously bad emotional spell before he confessed to God. Now, we need to learn this vital lesson. Once we call upon Almighty God we can experience something similar to the Psalmist. Do read Psalm 32. He felt wasted and he groaned and he thought there was a heavy hand upon him and that his very strength was being sapped away.
I have met many people who have been in such a situation over the years and some have been in that state for years and that need not have been so.
When the Psalmist prayed he discovered that God was his hiding place and that God was covering him from the onslaughts of his many enemies.
Sow a seed of prayer. Cry out to God. Call upon God.
Never be too shy or call out to God and never be too proud to cry out to Jesus Christ for help and forgiveness and strength.
Pride can do so much damage. Holding on to our superficial reputation is seldom worth it if we are in dire straights and in need of the help of our Creator God.
It is possible to increase our harvest by sowing more seed, and by feeding the soil, and tending the plants.
When teaching on the vine, Jesus spoke about the gardener using a hoe and secateurs.
Bad weeds have to be removed. Weak growth, debilitating the plant, and hindering the production of good fruit, must be cut out.
Read John Chapter 15 in the New Testament to fill your heart with spiritual encouragement.
In fact, make sure you are in the Bible every day. Some may need Bible reading notes to discipline their reading and study but the spiritual harvest will certainly be worth all the effort. If I can assist you in this area do contact me and allow me to minister to you in the Name of the risen and living Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God.
When it comes to sowing and planting we do so by faith, and not by feelings.
Do you think the farmer feels good about getting up in the morning and going out to work? He does what he may not feel like doing.
Sometimes people may come to Services with heavy hearts, near to breaking, or with tears streaming down their faces, but once praise and sincere joyful worship begins, spirits lift, and burdens lighten.
The Psalmist knew what it was to sow in tears and reap in joy.
For God, who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will also supply and increase your store of seed, and will enlarge the harvest of your righteousness.
Now is the best time to sow and plant. God teaches us that those who wait for perfect weather will never plant seeds, and those who look at every cloud will never reap a harvest.
Waiting for perfection can paralyse potential.
What type of soil are you? How do you react to people criticising you and judging you and commenting upon your work in a negative manner? Words can affect and influence us more than we are sometime prepared to admit!
When Jesus Christ spoke and taught about sowing seed and reaping a harvest, He made it very clear that there were different types of soil.
Some seed fell on good soil and when it bore fruit the crop could be thirty, sixty or even a hundred times what was sown.
Consider that for a moment in terms of gossip, criticism and backbiting, because what we sow has a habit of producing fruit, and that can be sore, hurtful and painful.
The writer of Psalm 32 went through a seriously bad emotional spell before he confessed to God. Now, we need to learn this vital lesson. Once we call upon Almighty God we can experience something similar to the Psalmist. Do read Psalm 32. He felt wasted and he groaned and he thought there was a heavy hand upon him and that his very strength was being sapped away.
I have met many people who have been in such a situation over the years and some have been in that state for years and that need not have been so.
When the Psalmist prayed he discovered that God was his hiding place and that God was covering him from the onslaughts of his many enemies.
Sow a seed of prayer. Cry out to God. Call upon God.
Never be too shy or call out to God and never be too proud to cry out to Jesus Christ for help and forgiveness and strength.
Pride can do so much damage. Holding on to our superficial reputation is seldom worth it if we are in dire straights and in need of the help of our Creator God.
It is possible to increase our harvest by sowing more seed, and by feeding the soil, and tending the plants.
When teaching on the vine, Jesus spoke about the gardener using a hoe and secateurs.
Bad weeds have to be removed. Weak growth, debilitating the plant, and hindering the production of good fruit, must be cut out.
Read John Chapter 15 in the New Testament to fill your heart with spiritual encouragement.
In fact, make sure you are in the Bible every day. Some may need Bible reading notes to discipline their reading and study but the spiritual harvest will certainly be worth all the effort. If I can assist you in this area do contact me and allow me to minister to you in the Name of the risen and living Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God.
When it comes to sowing and planting we do so by faith, and not by feelings.
Do you think the farmer feels good about getting up in the morning and going out to work? He does what he may not feel like doing.
Sometimes people may come to Services with heavy hearts, near to breaking, or with tears streaming down their faces, but once praise and sincere joyful worship begins, spirits lift, and burdens lighten.
The Psalmist knew what it was to sow in tears and reap in joy.
For God, who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will also supply and increase your store of seed, and will enlarge the harvest of your righteousness.
Now is the best time to sow and plant. God teaches us that those who wait for perfect weather will never plant seeds, and those who look at every cloud will never reap a harvest.
Waiting for perfection can paralyse potential.
Minggu, 10 September 2017
Is Religion Only a Past and Present Period Aberration - Will Humankind Grow Out of It?
Will humankind ever grow up from the crutch of religion? Will humans ever realize that they don't need a religion for a sense of morals? I often wonder, but I'd say if humans are still around in 500-1000 years in whatever form that religion and much of the human superstition will be nothing more than cultural history. Not long ago, I was discussing all this with someone from India, someone who didn't hold large organized religions in high regard. Okay so, let's talk because I told my new acquaintance that I did hold their views on religion.
In fact, I further added that humans should be permitted freedom of the mind, even if they choose to allow those crutches of religion to box in their thinking. I think any human living within this present period ought to have a decent understanding of all religions; Hindu, Muslim, Christian, Buddhist, Religions of Nature, Spiritual religions of the mind, religions of science, and so on. By having such basic knowledge does indeed allow alternative foundations of a diverse set of thinking, this is of value, much the same as perhaps reading or enjoying movies bathed in fictional literature with stories of morality whether historical, fantasy, Sci Fi, or other.
Humans seem to like to have a set of guiding principles to operate within larger societies, such guiding principles do not need to come from religion. They too can come from experience, wisdom, and reflection of such. Morality does not come from religion, it comes from the mind. The individual is the most important part of society because if all individuals are strong, then every link in the chain is strong and the society and civilization or even the whole of humanity is all the more stronger for it.
I wonder if the topic of religion is even a viable topic of higher order thinking, it may be that of lower level thinking, thus, until one can get past such topics or understand religion on a philosophical level, they may not be ready to lead or worth following. See that point. Again, not to offend anyone's beliefs, it's just for me, it's not needed, and I am doing fine, so one would have to ask what's the problem or weakness with the rest of humanity?
Yes, I wish them the best in their life experience, but I must realize they are work in progress and need releasing from their self-inflicted mental box. Ouch, that did sound a bit harsh didn't it? Now then, I hope you will please consider all this and think on it.
In fact, I further added that humans should be permitted freedom of the mind, even if they choose to allow those crutches of religion to box in their thinking. I think any human living within this present period ought to have a decent understanding of all religions; Hindu, Muslim, Christian, Buddhist, Religions of Nature, Spiritual religions of the mind, religions of science, and so on. By having such basic knowledge does indeed allow alternative foundations of a diverse set of thinking, this is of value, much the same as perhaps reading or enjoying movies bathed in fictional literature with stories of morality whether historical, fantasy, Sci Fi, or other.
Humans seem to like to have a set of guiding principles to operate within larger societies, such guiding principles do not need to come from religion. They too can come from experience, wisdom, and reflection of such. Morality does not come from religion, it comes from the mind. The individual is the most important part of society because if all individuals are strong, then every link in the chain is strong and the society and civilization or even the whole of humanity is all the more stronger for it.
I wonder if the topic of religion is even a viable topic of higher order thinking, it may be that of lower level thinking, thus, until one can get past such topics or understand religion on a philosophical level, they may not be ready to lead or worth following. See that point. Again, not to offend anyone's beliefs, it's just for me, it's not needed, and I am doing fine, so one would have to ask what's the problem or weakness with the rest of humanity?
Yes, I wish them the best in their life experience, but I must realize they are work in progress and need releasing from their self-inflicted mental box. Ouch, that did sound a bit harsh didn't it? Now then, I hope you will please consider all this and think on it.
Senin, 04 September 2017
The Connection Between Spirituality and Mental Health - A Mental Health Consultant's View
Spirituality has been defined as the belief and practices that develop based on personal values and ideology of the meaning and purpose of life as part of a larger scheme. It refers to the belief that there is a power outside of one's own that transcends understanding.
For many individuals, identifying with a religion and having religious beliefs influence their spirituality. However spirituality is not confined to those who belonged to organized religion or have religious beliefs. People can develop spirituality without practicing a particular religion or believing in the powers of a supreme being. However, whatever is the nature of their spirituality, many individuals achieve a sense of inner peace and harmony as well as emotional fulfillment by believing that life has a purpose. Consequently a breakdown in spirituality can have a negative impact on one's mental well-being.
In my view spirituality and religiosity are interrelated with religiosity focusing on the external expressions of spirituality or faith. In other words religious practices can foster spirituality while spiritual practices could involve aspects of religious participation.
The a key issue here is that whether changing their lives to improve the health or dealing with the recovery from a health problem, people with strong spiritual/religious belief benefit from the foundation of confidence and purpose that their beliefs provide.
Now let's look at the three dimensions of spirituality. They are:
a. making personal meaning out of situations
b. coming to an understanding of self
c. appreciating the importance of connection with others.
Spirituality/religion then may be considered a mechanism of social support, positive coping, and decision-making, avoidance of substance abuse, and help in times of stress.
In one study conducted with 211 African-American college students, researchers found that students with religious, intrinsic, or extrinsic religious orientations were more likely to engage in health promoting behaviors, including eating well, reporting symptoms to a physician, and using stress management techniques. Higher worship attendance frequently was associated with a lower risk for the development of mood, anxiety, and substance disorder.
It has also been found that people who make religion a significant part of their life are 81% less likely to battle anxiety and depression and is more likely to have confidence that they can recover from an illness.
It is important therefore for practitioners working in the area of mental health to provide the patient which opportunity to engage in dialogue about the role of spirituality/religion in their lives. Such questions as: Is religion or faith important part of your life? How has religion influenced your past and present? Are you a part of a spiritual or faith community? and, Are there spiritual needs you would like to explore or discuss? After exploring these questions, the practitioner can then move on with an appropriate intervention.
For many individuals, identifying with a religion and having religious beliefs influence their spirituality. However spirituality is not confined to those who belonged to organized religion or have religious beliefs. People can develop spirituality without practicing a particular religion or believing in the powers of a supreme being. However, whatever is the nature of their spirituality, many individuals achieve a sense of inner peace and harmony as well as emotional fulfillment by believing that life has a purpose. Consequently a breakdown in spirituality can have a negative impact on one's mental well-being.
In my view spirituality and religiosity are interrelated with religiosity focusing on the external expressions of spirituality or faith. In other words religious practices can foster spirituality while spiritual practices could involve aspects of religious participation.
The a key issue here is that whether changing their lives to improve the health or dealing with the recovery from a health problem, people with strong spiritual/religious belief benefit from the foundation of confidence and purpose that their beliefs provide.
Now let's look at the three dimensions of spirituality. They are:
a. making personal meaning out of situations
b. coming to an understanding of self
c. appreciating the importance of connection with others.
Spirituality/religion then may be considered a mechanism of social support, positive coping, and decision-making, avoidance of substance abuse, and help in times of stress.
In one study conducted with 211 African-American college students, researchers found that students with religious, intrinsic, or extrinsic religious orientations were more likely to engage in health promoting behaviors, including eating well, reporting symptoms to a physician, and using stress management techniques. Higher worship attendance frequently was associated with a lower risk for the development of mood, anxiety, and substance disorder.
It has also been found that people who make religion a significant part of their life are 81% less likely to battle anxiety and depression and is more likely to have confidence that they can recover from an illness.
It is important therefore for practitioners working in the area of mental health to provide the patient which opportunity to engage in dialogue about the role of spirituality/religion in their lives. Such questions as: Is religion or faith important part of your life? How has religion influenced your past and present? Are you a part of a spiritual or faith community? and, Are there spiritual needs you would like to explore or discuss? After exploring these questions, the practitioner can then move on with an appropriate intervention.
Kamis, 24 Agustus 2017
Orthodoxy Transforming - Proposing a New Spirituality for a New Century
Unfortunately, Christianity has solidified into either a rigid set of right words about God or an unrestricted, phantom-like, nearly imaginary personal relationship with God. Most spiritual seekers are tired of both of these options. They are looking for something else, something more, and something, well, more spiritual. Let's look at both of these models of present day Christianity and see why people, perhaps like you, are tired of and disappointed in these options of Christianity.
In the first model of modern Christianity, to be a Christian, you must say and believe right words about God or those in charge of such matters will not deem you a Christian believer. You must agree with right words about God. In knowing and believing the right words, the approved words about God, the believer is assured that he/she will have a right relationship with God.
According to this model, right words equal right relationship. Say the right words, believe the right things and you will have the right relationship with God.
Many spiritual seekers find this paradigm, this model, too intellectual. Knowing about something does not mean you have a relationship with that something. I might know all the right words about the monster turtles in the Galapagos Islands. However, that does not mean I have any relationship at all with a living turtle on those far away islands.
Knowledge about something does not create a relationship with something. This model is increasingly leaving people feeling hollow. Knowing about God is not the same as knowing God. Increasingly, people looking for spirituality are rejecting the idea that knowledge and relationship are the same thing.
However, many also reject the other option. The second option of modern Christianity is a reaction against the first option. Instead of concentrating on right words about God, the second option encourages believers to forget about doctrine (right words about God) and simply dive into the relationship with God with your heart.
Not bothered with intellectualism or doctrinal codes, those who follow this path only have a sketchy, scratchy understanding of who it is they think they have a spiritual relationship with! They raise their hands (indicating the plainly old belief that God is up), close their eyes (indicating that God cannot be seen in the physical world but only in the imagination) and sing songs of adoration and commitment to God (indicating that the God they worship wants such things as adoration and commitment from those with whom the God has a relationship).
But, since this option denies the need for any doctrinal codes, each person has a different version of the spiritual relationship they experience. Spirituality becomes extremely personal. So much so, some people who follow this path seem offended if they are asked to describe their spirituality.
So, here is the dilemma. Behind spiritual door number one, we find an external spirituality based on right words about God which everyone must believe and repeat in unison.
Behind spiritual door number two, we find an internal spirituality based on subjective feelings about God which may or may not be explicable or understood even by the person who is experiencing the spirituality.
Increasingly, true spiritual seekers are finding both doors incomplete. An external, right words based spirituality seems lifeless and academic. The internal, subjective spirituality seems cartoonish and so undefined that no two people can walk the same path together.
Door number one relies totally on cognitive, thought information and door number two relies totally on feelings and the right brained imaginative cognitions or thoughts.
Many people want to know what is behind the famous door number three.
Orthodoxy Transforming seeks to pry open door number three and find a different approach to spirituality that melds Orthodox Christianity with universal spirituality of the human race.
Orthodoxy Transforming is dedicated to this rediscovery of spirituality for the 21st Century. The 20th Century was the century of blood. Orthodoxy Transforming believes the 21st Century will be the century of enlightenment, spirituality and planetary awakening. However, this cannot happen using old patterns and models.
Something new is being born. A new spirituality and spiritual hunger is emerging. People will find spirituality to fill the void our present course has created in all of us.
Some will chase the easy path of listening blindly to others tell them what to do to enter spiritual relationship with God. These will be the fanatics.
Some will hammer away at the material world imagining that God will emerge if enough information is collected. These will be the earnest skeptics.
Some will follow their own self-taught path of whimsy, imagination and spirituality with no boundaries except those created in their own minds. These will be the strangelings.
Some will try to find God inside the human somewhere, tucked neatly away, hidden from view until exposed by trials or disaster. These will be the humanist mystics.
Some will wander away, confused and empty, discouraged and disillusioned with all spiritual paths. These will be the depressed, deluded and disbelieving.
In the first model of modern Christianity, to be a Christian, you must say and believe right words about God or those in charge of such matters will not deem you a Christian believer. You must agree with right words about God. In knowing and believing the right words, the approved words about God, the believer is assured that he/she will have a right relationship with God.
According to this model, right words equal right relationship. Say the right words, believe the right things and you will have the right relationship with God.
Many spiritual seekers find this paradigm, this model, too intellectual. Knowing about something does not mean you have a relationship with that something. I might know all the right words about the monster turtles in the Galapagos Islands. However, that does not mean I have any relationship at all with a living turtle on those far away islands.
Knowledge about something does not create a relationship with something. This model is increasingly leaving people feeling hollow. Knowing about God is not the same as knowing God. Increasingly, people looking for spirituality are rejecting the idea that knowledge and relationship are the same thing.
However, many also reject the other option. The second option of modern Christianity is a reaction against the first option. Instead of concentrating on right words about God, the second option encourages believers to forget about doctrine (right words about God) and simply dive into the relationship with God with your heart.
Not bothered with intellectualism or doctrinal codes, those who follow this path only have a sketchy, scratchy understanding of who it is they think they have a spiritual relationship with! They raise their hands (indicating the plainly old belief that God is up), close their eyes (indicating that God cannot be seen in the physical world but only in the imagination) and sing songs of adoration and commitment to God (indicating that the God they worship wants such things as adoration and commitment from those with whom the God has a relationship).
But, since this option denies the need for any doctrinal codes, each person has a different version of the spiritual relationship they experience. Spirituality becomes extremely personal. So much so, some people who follow this path seem offended if they are asked to describe their spirituality.
So, here is the dilemma. Behind spiritual door number one, we find an external spirituality based on right words about God which everyone must believe and repeat in unison.
Behind spiritual door number two, we find an internal spirituality based on subjective feelings about God which may or may not be explicable or understood even by the person who is experiencing the spirituality.
Increasingly, true spiritual seekers are finding both doors incomplete. An external, right words based spirituality seems lifeless and academic. The internal, subjective spirituality seems cartoonish and so undefined that no two people can walk the same path together.
Door number one relies totally on cognitive, thought information and door number two relies totally on feelings and the right brained imaginative cognitions or thoughts.
Many people want to know what is behind the famous door number three.
Orthodoxy Transforming seeks to pry open door number three and find a different approach to spirituality that melds Orthodox Christianity with universal spirituality of the human race.
Orthodoxy Transforming is dedicated to this rediscovery of spirituality for the 21st Century. The 20th Century was the century of blood. Orthodoxy Transforming believes the 21st Century will be the century of enlightenment, spirituality and planetary awakening. However, this cannot happen using old patterns and models.
Something new is being born. A new spirituality and spiritual hunger is emerging. People will find spirituality to fill the void our present course has created in all of us.
Some will chase the easy path of listening blindly to others tell them what to do to enter spiritual relationship with God. These will be the fanatics.
Some will hammer away at the material world imagining that God will emerge if enough information is collected. These will be the earnest skeptics.
Some will follow their own self-taught path of whimsy, imagination and spirituality with no boundaries except those created in their own minds. These will be the strangelings.
Some will try to find God inside the human somewhere, tucked neatly away, hidden from view until exposed by trials or disaster. These will be the humanist mystics.
Some will wander away, confused and empty, discouraged and disillusioned with all spiritual paths. These will be the depressed, deluded and disbelieving.
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